CASA 1.0

CSV information ?

Status active
Valid from 30.03.2021
Valid until 30.03.2029
Scheme 🇩🇪 DE
Manufacturer EMH metering GmbH & Co. KG
Category Other Devices and Systems
Security level AVA_VAN.5, EAL4+, ALC_FLR.2
Protection profiles
Maintenance updates CASA 1.0SW: 30000000__X026b/cHW: 10 301, 10 302, 10 303, 10 304 (21.12.2021) Certification report
CASA 1.0, TOE Software Version: 30100000__X026fTOE, Hardware Version: 10 301 / 10 302 / 10 303 / 10 304 (03.09.2021) Certification report Security target

Heuristics summary ?

Certificate ID: BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-V2-2021

Certificate ?

Extracted keywords

Security level
EAL 4, EAL 5, EAL 2, EAL 4 augmented
Security Assurance Requirements (SAR)

ISO/IEC 15408, ISO/IEC 18045

File metadata

Title: Certification Report BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-V2-2021
Subject: Common Criteria, Zertifizierung
Keywords: "Common Criteria, Certification, Zertifizierung, SMGW, Smart Meter Gateway, Smart Grid, EMH metering GmbH & Co. KG"
Author: Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
Creation date: D:20210408072442+02'00'
Modification date: D:20210408075133+02'00'
Pages: 1
Creator: Writer
Producer: LibreOffice 6.3

Certification report ?

Extracted keywords

Symmetric Algorithms
Asymmetric Algorithms
Hash functions
SHA-256, SHA-512
Elliptic Curves
Block cipher modes

Security level
EAL 4, EAL 5, EAL 2, EAL 1, EAL 2+, EAL 5+, EAL 6, EAL 4 augmented
Security Assurance Requirements (SAR)
Protection profiles
BSI-CC-PP-0073-2014, BSI-CC-PP-0077-V2
BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-V2-2021, BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-2019, BSI-DSZ-CC-0957-V2-2016, CC-19-175197
Evaluation facilities
TÃœV Informationstechnik, TÃœViT
Certification process
being maintained, is not given any longer. In particular, prior to the dissemination of confidential documentation and information related to the TOE or resulting from the evaluation and certification, GmbH & Co. KG [7] Evaluation Technical Report, Version 2, 2021-03-15, TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH (confidential document) [8] Protection Profile for the Gateway of a Smart Metering System, Version 1.3, 31 March 2014, list for the TOE CASA-Konfigurationsliste, Version 12, 2021-02-26, EMH metering GmbH & Co. KG (confidential document) [10] CASA (CASA-AGD) Benutzerhandbuch für Letztverbraucher (LV), Version 1.24, 2021-02-24, EMH

Certification process
being maintained, is not given any longer. In particular, prior to the dissemination of confidential documentation and information related to the TOE or resulting from the evaluation and certification, GmbH & Co. KG [7] Evaluation Technical Report, Version 2, 2021-03-15, TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH (confidential document) [8] Protection Profile for the Gateway of a Smart Metering System, Version 1.3, 31 March 2014, list for the TOE CASA-Konfigurationsliste, Version 12, 2021-02-26, EMH metering GmbH & Co. KG (confidential document) [10] CASA (CASA-AGD) Benutzerhandbuch für Letztverbraucher (LV), Version 1.24, 2021-02-24, EMH

FIPS 197, FIPS 180-4, FIPS180-4, FIPS 140-2, AIS 34, AIS 46, AIS 48, AIS 32, AIS 38, RFC5289, RFC 2104, RFC 5639, RFC 3394, RFC 5084, RFC 4493, RFC 5289, ISO/IEC 15408, ISO/IEC 18045, ISO/IEC 17065
Technical reports
BSI TR-03109, BSI TR-03109-1, BSI TR-03109-3, BSI 7148

File metadata

Title: Certification Report BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-V2-2021
Subject: Common Criteria, Zertifizierung
Keywords: "Common Criteria, Certification, Zertifizierung, SMGW, Smart Meter Gateway, Smart Grid, EMH metering GmbH & Co. KG"
Author: Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
Creation date: D:20210408072418+02'00'
Modification date: D:20210409074546+02'00'
Pages: 27
Creator: Writer
Producer: LibreOffice 6.3


Certificate ID: BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-V2-2021
Certified item: CASA 1.0 Software Version: 30100000__X026e Hardware Version: 10 301 / 10 302 / 10 303 / 10 304
Certification lab: BSI
Developer: EMH metering GmbH & Co. KG


Outgoing Incoming

Security target ?

Extracted keywords

Symmetric Algorithms
Asymmetric Algorithms
Hash functions
SHA-256, SHA-512, SHA-384
TLS, TLS 1.2
Elliptic Curves
P-256, P-384, ansip384r1, NIST P-256, NIST P-384, secp256r1, secp384r1, prime256v1, brainpoolP256r1, brainpoolP384r1, brainpoolP512r1
Block cipher modes
TLS cipher suites

Security level
EAL 4, EAL4, EAL 4 augmented, EAL4 augmented
Security Assurance Requirements (SAR)
Security Functional Requirements (SFR)
Protection profiles
BSI-CC-PP-0077-2013, BSI-CC-PP- 0073, BSI-CC-PP-0077-V2
Evaluation facilities
TÃœV Informationstechnik

Side-channel analysis
physical tampering, malfunction

FIPS 180-4, FIPS 197, FIPS 140-2, RFC 5289, RFC 5246, RFC 2104, RFC 5639, RFC 3394, RFC 3565, RFC 5084, RFC 4493, RFC 5905, RFC 2616, RFC5246
Technical reports
BSI TR-03109, BSI TR-03109-1

File metadata

Title: CASA 1.0 Security Target
Subject: CASA-ST
Keywords: SMGW SmartMetering Version: 2.13
Author: EMH metering GmbH & Co. KG
Creation date: D:20210225150039+01'00'
Modification date: D:20210225150039+01'00'
Pages: 133
Creator: LaTeX with hyperref package
Producer: pdfTeX-1.40.18


Outgoing Incoming

Heuristics ?

Certificate ID: BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-V2-2021

Extracted SARs


References ?

Updates ?

  • 15.02.2024 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The state of the certificate object was updated.

    • The following values were inserted: {'report': {'_type': '', 'download_ok': True, 'convert_garbage': False, 'convert_ok': True, 'extract_ok': True, 'pdf_hash': 'd203d98795c0c04a5cd0e115300b9ac9efac9ce0e498175c5ff7354895364e9c', 'txt_hash': '62e5f18c8bd9312a4fd492766525ff91bb030713bcada3cc82d896d8682469c4'}, 'st': {'_type': '', 'download_ok': True, 'convert_garbage': False, 'convert_ok': True, 'extract_ok': True, 'pdf_hash': '0ffdebd50979defc51a22fb4f30e75eea976d657073fc80770afaeeb2212f11f', 'txt_hash': 'c8b60884a8841383c6b53d42a2253b4f7334acb2e95cfd3c69ed2d61e6888e81'}, 'cert': {'_type': '', 'download_ok': True, 'convert_garbage': False, 'convert_ok': True, 'extract_ok': True, 'pdf_hash': 'c4818ae50e07761c90d8df3d7c2ddf5f232d18d33c99a17c1c911ffe3863bf39', 'txt_hash': '45332e3f08a8e57ee5a19f491d2d9b4dccd3ec288a2bd4304573ad7f1f6ed59b'}}.
    • The following properties were deleted: ['st_download_ok', 'report_download_ok', 'st_convert_garbage', 'report_convert_garbage', 'st_convert_ok', 'report_convert_ok', 'st_extract_ok', 'report_extract_ok', 'st_pdf_hash', 'report_pdf_hash', 'st_txt_hash', 'report_txt_hash'].

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

    • The following values were inserted: {'cert_metadata': {'pdf_file_size_bytes': 256445, 'pdf_is_encrypted': False, 'pdf_number_of_pages': 1, '/Author': 'Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik', '/CreationDate': "D:20210408072442+02'00'", '/Creator': 'Writer', '/Keywords': '"Common Criteria, Certification, Zertifizierung, SMGW, Smart Meter Gateway, Smart Grid, EMH metering GmbH & Co. KG"', '/ModDate': "D:20210408075133+02'00'", '/Producer': 'LibreOffice 6.3', '/Subject': 'Common Criteria, Zertifizierung', '/Title': 'Certification Report BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-V2-2021', 'pdf_hyperlinks': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': []}}, 'cert_frontpage': None, 'cert_keywords': {'cc_cert_id': {'DE': {'BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-V2-2021': 1}}, 'cc_protection_profile_id': {}, 'cc_security_level': {'EAL': {'EAL 4': 2, 'EAL 5': 1, 'EAL 2': 1, 'EAL 4 augmented': 1}}, 'cc_sar': {'ALC': {'ALC_FLR.2': 1, 'ALC_FLR': 1}, 'AVA': {'AVA_VAN.5': 1}}, 'cc_sfr': {}, 'cc_claims': {}, 'vendor': {}, 'eval_facility': {}, 'symmetric_crypto': {}, 'asymmetric_crypto': {}, 'pq_crypto': {}, 'hash_function': {}, 'crypto_scheme': {}, 'crypto_protocol': {}, 'randomness': {}, 'cipher_mode': {}, 'ecc_curve': {}, 'crypto_engine': {}, 'tls_cipher_suite': {}, 'crypto_library': {}, 'vulnerability': {}, 'side_channel_analysis': {}, 'technical_report_id': {}, 'device_model': {}, 'tee_name': {}, 'os_name': {}, 'cplc_data': {}, 'ic_data_group': {}, 'standard_id': {'ISO': {'ISO/IEC 15408': 2, 'ISO/IEC 18045': 2}}, 'javacard_version': {}, 'javacard_api_const': {}, 'javacard_packages': {}, 'certification_process': {}}, 'cert_filename': '0919V2c_pdf.pdf'}.
    • The report_frontpage property was set to {'DE': {'match_rules': ['(BSI-DSZ-CC-.+?) (?:for|For) (.+?) from (.*)'], 'cert_id': 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-V2-2021', 'cert_item': 'CASA 1.0 Software Version: 30100000__X026e Hardware Version: 10 301 / 10 302 / 10 303 / 10 304', 'developer': 'EMH metering GmbH & Co. KG', 'cert_lab': 'BSI', 'ref_protection_profiles': 'Protection Profile for the Gateway of a Smart Metering System, Version 1.3, 31 March 2014, BSI- CC-PP-0073-2014', 'cc_version': 'PP conformant Common Criteria Part 2 extended', 'cc_security_level': 'Common Criteria Part 3 conformant EAL 4 augmented by AVA_VAN.5 and ALC_FLR.2'}}.
    • The st_frontpage property was set to None.
    • The report_keywords property was updated, with the {'cc_cert_id': {'__insert__': {'NL': {'CC-19-175197': 1}}, '__update__': {'DE': {'__update__': {'BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-2019': 3, 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-V2-2021': 14, 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0957-V2-2016': 1}}}}} data.
    • The st_keywords property was updated, with the {'cc_cert_id': {'__update__': {'DE': {'__update__': {'BSI-DSZ-CC-0957-V2-2016': 1}}}}} data.
  • 13.02.2024 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

    • The report_keywords property was updated, with the {'cc_cert_id': {'__update__': {'DE': {'__update__': {'BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-V2-2021': 28, 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-2019': 6, 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0957-V2-2016': 2}}}, '__delete__': ['NL']}} data.
    • The st_keywords property was updated, with the {'cc_cert_id': {'__update__': {'DE': {'__update__': {'BSI-DSZ-CC-0957-V2-2016': 2}}}}} data.
  • 07.02.2024 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

    • The st_keywords property was updated, with the {'cc_cert_id': {'__delete__': ['CA']}} data.
  • 07.02.2024 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

    • The report_keywords property was updated, with the {'cc_cert_id': {'__insert__': {'NL': {'CC-19-175197': 1}}, '__update__': {'DE': {'__update__': {'BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-2019': 3, 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-V2-2021': 14, 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0957-V2-2016': 1}}}}} data.
    • The st_keywords property was updated, with the {'cc_cert_id': {'__insert__': {'CA': {'62056-6-1': 4, '65056-6-2': 1, '62056-6-2': 3}}, '__update__': {'DE': {'__update__': {'BSI-DSZ-CC-0957-V2-2016': 1}}}}} data.
  • 04.01.2024 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The following values were inserted: {'annotated_references': None}.
    • The report_references property was updated, with the {'directly_referenced_by': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-V3-2023']}, 'indirectly_referenced_by': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-V3-2023']}} data.
    • The scheme_data property was set to None.
  • 30.10.2023 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The scheme_data property was updated, with the {'cert_id': 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-V3-2023', 'product': 'CASA 1.0 and CASA 1.1', 'certification_date': '02.10.2023', 'url': '', 'enhanced': {'__update__': {'product': 'CASA 1.0 and CASA 1.1', 'certification_date': '02.10.2023', 'expiration_date': '01.10.2031', 'entries': {'__insert__': [[0, {'id': 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-V3-2023\n(Ausstellungsdatum / Certification Date 02.10.2023 gültig bis / valid until 02.10.2031)\nCertification Report / Zertifizierungsreport\nSicherheitsvorgaben / Security Target\nZertifikat / Certificate\nDas Produkt CASA 1.0 wurde zur Ergänzung einer zweiten Hardware-Plattform, die durch CASA 1.1 (Hardware Version 11 301 / 11 302) gekennzeichnet ist, zur Ausweitung der Konfigurationsrechte des Service Technikers und wegen kleinerer Fehlerkorrekturen geändert.\nDie Änderungen führten für beide Hardware Plattformen zu einer neuen Software Version 31000000__X026d. Die Hardware Version für CASA 1.0 (10 301 / 10 302 / 10 303 / 10 304) ist unverändert.', 'description': 'The changes led for both hardware platforms to a new Software Version 31000000__X026d. The Hardware Version for CASA 1.0 (10 301 / 10 302 / 10303 / 10304) remains unchanged.'}]]}, 'report_link': '', 'target_link': '', 'cert_link': ''}}} data.
  • 26.04.2023 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The following values were inserted: {'scheme_data': {'cert_id': 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-V2-2021', 'product': 'CASA 1.0', 'vendor': 'EMH metering GmbH & Co.KG', 'certification_date': '30.03.2021', 'category': 'Intelligent measuring systems', 'url': '', 'enhanced': {'product': 'CASA 1.0', 'applicant': 'EMH metering GmbH & Co.KG\nMatthias Göbel\nNeu-Galliner Weg 1\n19258 Gallin', 'evaluation_facility': 'TÃœV Informationstechnik GmbH', 'assurance_level': 'EAL4+,AVA_VAN.5,ALC_FLR.2', 'protection_profile': 'Protection Profile for the Gateway of a Smart Metering System, Version 1.3, 31 March 2014, BSI-CC-PP-0073-2014', 'certification_date': '30.03.2021', 'expiration_date': '29.03.2029', 'entries': [{'id': 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-V2-2021-RA-01', 'description': 'Certification Date'}, {'id': 'BSI-DSZCC-0919-V2-2021-MA-02', 'description': 'Security Target'}, {'id': 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-V2-2021-MA-01', 'description': 'The product CASA 1.0 was changed to improve the implementation representation regarding system stability and connectivity.. Therefore the software version number changed from 30100000__X026e to 30100000__X026f. The changes had no effect on the certified security functionality'}, {'id': 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-V2-2021', 'description': 'The changes led to a new Software Version 30100000__X026e. The Hardware Version (10 301 / 10 302 / 10 303 / 10 304) is still the same.'}, {'id': 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-2019-RA-01', 'description': 'Certification Date 16.12.2021'}, {'id': 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-2019-MA-01', 'description': 'The product CASA 1.0 was changed to correct the tariffing of meter data. Therefore the software version number changed from 30000000__X026b to 30000000__X026c. The changes had no effect on the certified security functionality.'}, {'id': 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-2019', 'description': 'Certificate'}], 'report_link': '', 'target_link': '', 'cert_link': '', 'description': 'The Target of Evaluation (TOE) is uniquely identified as CASA 1.0. This Smartmeter Gateway is the communication unit used within an intelligent metering system and is represented by the product CASA except for the integrated Security Module and external communication interfaces. The main functionality of the Gateway is the reception and the storage of measured values and status of the connected meters as well as the processing and the transfer of these measurements and status values to authorized entities.'}, 'subcategory': '(Smart Meter Gateway)'}}.
  • 11.02.2023 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The _type was updated.

    • The new value is

    The Maintenance Updates of the certificate were updated.

    • The new value is {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': [{'_type': '', 'maintenance_date': '2021-12-21', 'maintenance_title': 'CASA 1.0SW: 30000000__X026b/cHW: 10 301, 10 302, 10 303, 10 304', 'maintenance_report_link': '', 'maintenance_st_link': None}, {'_type': '', 'maintenance_date': '2021-09-03', 'maintenance_title': 'CASA 1.0, TOE Software Version: 30100000__X026fTOE, Hardware Version: 10 301 / 10 302 / 10 303 / 10 304', 'maintenance_report_link': '', 'maintenance_st_link': ''}]}.

    The state of the certificate object was updated.

    • The _type property was set to
    • The following properties were deleted: ['errors'].

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

    • The _type property was set to

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The following values were inserted: {'direct_transitive_cves': None, 'indirect_transitive_cves': None}.
    • The _type property was set to
    • The following properties were deleted: ['direct_dependency_cves', 'indirect_dependency_cves'].
  • 26.12.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The state of the certificate object was updated.

    • The st_download_ok property was set to True.
    • The st_convert_ok property was set to True.
    • The st_extract_ok property was set to True.
    • The errors property was set to [].
    • The st_pdf_hash property was set to 0ffdebd50979defc51a22fb4f30e75eea976d657073fc80770afaeeb2212f11f.
    • The st_txt_hash property was set to c8b60884a8841383c6b53d42a2253b4f7334acb2e95cfd3c69ed2d61e6888e81.

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

    • The st_metadata property was set to {'pdf_file_size_bytes': 2145045, 'pdf_is_encrypted': False, 'pdf_number_of_pages': 133, '/Author': 'EMH metering GmbH & Co. KG', '/Title': 'CASA 1.0 Security Target', '/Subject': 'CASA-ST', '/Creator': 'LaTeX with hyperref package', '/Producer': 'pdfTeX-1.40.18', '/Keywords': 'SMGW SmartMetering Version: 2.13', '/CreationDate': "D:20210225150039+01'00'", '/ModDate': "D:20210225150039+01'00'", '/Trapped': '/False', '/PTEX.Fullbanner': 'This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017) kpathsea version 6.2.3', 'pdf_hyperlinks': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['']}}.
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    • The st_filename property was set to 0919V2b_pdf.pdf.

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    • The extracted_sars property was updated, with the {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': [{'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ATE_COV', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_IMP', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_DEL', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_TSS', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_LCD', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_ARC', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_CMC', 'level': 4}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ATE_FUN', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_INT', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_REQ', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_CCL', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'AGD_OPE', 'level': 1}]} values added.
  • 25.12.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The state of the certificate object was updated.

    • The st_download_ok property was set to False.
    • The st_convert_ok property was set to False.
    • The st_extract_ok property was set to False.
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    • The st_pdf_hash property was set to None.
    • The st_txt_hash property was set to None.

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

    • The st_metadata property was set to None.
    • The st_frontpage property was set to None.
    • The st_keywords property was set to None.
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    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The st_references property was updated, with the {'directly_referencing': None, 'indirectly_referencing': None} data.
    • The report_references property was updated, with the {'indirectly_referencing': {'__add__': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['BSI-DSZ-CC-0978-2016']}}} data.
    • The extracted_sars property was updated, with the {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': [{'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ATE_COV', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_IMP', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_DEL', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_TSS', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_LCD', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_ARC', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_CMC', 'level': 4}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ATE_FUN', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_INT', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_REQ', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_CCL', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'AGD_OPE', 'level': 1}]} values discarded.
  • 25.12.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The st_references property was updated, with the {'indirectly_referencing': {'__discard__': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['BSI-DSZ-CC-0978-2016']}}} data.
    • The report_references property was updated, with the {'indirectly_referencing': {'__discard__': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['BSI-DSZ-CC-0978-2016']}}} data.
  • 24.12.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The report_references property was updated, with the {'indirectly_referencing': {'__add__': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['BSI-DSZ-CC-0666-2012']}}} data.
  • 24.12.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The cert_link was updated.

    • The new value is

    The manufacturer_web was updated.

    • The new value is

    The Protection profiles of the certificate were updated.

    • The new value is {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': [{'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.protection_profile.ProtectionProfile', 'pp_name': 'Protection Profile for the Gateway of a Smart Metering System', 'pp_eal': 'EAL4+', 'pp_link': '', 'pp_ids': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['SMARTMETERGATEWAYPP_V1.3']}}]}.

    The Maintenance Updates of the certificate were updated.

    • The following values were removed: {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': [{'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.common_criteria.CommonCriteriaCert.MaintenanceReport', 'maintenance_date': '2021-12-21', 'maintenance_title': 'CASA 1.0 SW: 30000000__X026b/c HW: 10 301, 10 302, 10 303, 10 304', 'maintenance_report_link': '', 'maintenance_st_link': None}]}.
    • The following values were added: {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': [{'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.common_criteria.CommonCriteriaCert.MaintenanceReport', 'maintenance_date': '2021-12-21', 'maintenance_title': 'CASA 1.0SW: 30000000__X026b/cHW: 10 301, 10 302, 10 303, 10 304', 'maintenance_report_link': '', 'maintenance_st_link': None}]}.

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The report_references property was updated, with the {'indirectly_referencing': {'__discard__': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['BSI-DSZ-CC-0666-2012']}}} data.
  • 23.12.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The cert_link was updated.

    • The new value is None.

    The manufacturer_web was updated.

    • The new value is None.

    The Protection profiles of the certificate were updated.

    • The new value is {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': [{'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.protection_profile.ProtectionProfile', 'pp_name': 'SMARTMETERGATEWAYPP_V1.3', 'pp_eal': None, 'pp_link': None, 'pp_ids': None}]}.

    The Maintenance Updates of the certificate were updated.

    • The following values were removed: {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': [{'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.common_criteria.CommonCriteriaCert.MaintenanceReport', 'maintenance_date': '2021-12-21', 'maintenance_title': 'CASA 1.0SW: 30000000__X026b/cHW: 10 301, 10 302, 10 303, 10 304', 'maintenance_report_link': '', 'maintenance_st_link': None}]}.
    • The following values were added: {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': [{'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.common_criteria.CommonCriteriaCert.MaintenanceReport', 'maintenance_date': '2021-12-21', 'maintenance_title': 'CASA 1.0 SW: 30000000__X026b/c HW: 10 301, 10 302, 10 303, 10 304', 'maintenance_report_link': '', 'maintenance_st_link': None}]}.

    The state of the certificate object was updated.

    • The st_download_ok property was set to True.
    • The st_convert_ok property was set to True.
    • The st_extract_ok property was set to True.
    • The errors property was set to [].
    • The st_pdf_hash property was set to 0ffdebd50979defc51a22fb4f30e75eea976d657073fc80770afaeeb2212f11f.
    • The st_txt_hash property was set to c8b60884a8841383c6b53d42a2253b4f7334acb2e95cfd3c69ed2d61e6888e81.

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

    • The st_metadata property was set to {'pdf_file_size_bytes': 2145045, 'pdf_is_encrypted': False, 'pdf_number_of_pages': 133, '/Author': 'EMH metering GmbH & Co. KG', '/Title': 'CASA 1.0 Security Target', '/Subject': 'CASA-ST', '/Creator': 'LaTeX with hyperref package', '/Producer': 'pdfTeX-1.40.18', '/Keywords': 'SMGW SmartMetering Version: 2.13', '/CreationDate': "D:20210225150039+01'00'", '/ModDate': "D:20210225150039+01'00'", '/Trapped': '/False', '/PTEX.Fullbanner': 'This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017) kpathsea version 6.2.3', 'pdf_hyperlinks': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['']}}.
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    • The st_filename property was set to 0919V2b_pdf.pdf.

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The st_references property was updated, with the {'directly_referencing': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['BSI-DSZ-CC-0957-V2-2016']}, 'indirectly_referencing': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['BSI-DSZ-CC-0957-V2-2016', 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0978-2016']}} data.
    • The extracted_sars property was updated, with the {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': [{'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ATE_COV', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_IMP', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_DEL', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_TSS', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_LCD', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_ARC', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_CMC', 'level': 4}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ATE_FUN', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_INT', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_REQ', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_CCL', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'AGD_OPE', 'level': 1}]} values added.
  • 23.12.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The state of the certificate object was updated.

    • The st_download_ok property was set to False.
    • The st_convert_ok property was set to False.
    • The st_extract_ok property was set to False.
    • The errors property was set to ['failed to download ST from, code: nok'].
    • The st_pdf_hash property was set to None.
    • The st_txt_hash property was set to None.

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

    • The st_metadata property was set to None.
    • The st_frontpage property was set to None.
    • The st_keywords property was set to None.
    • The st_filename property was set to None.

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The st_references property was updated, with the {'directly_referencing': None, 'indirectly_referencing': None} data.
    • The extracted_sars property was updated, with the {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': [{'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ATE_COV', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_IMP', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_DEL', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_TSS', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_LCD', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_ARC', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_CMC', 'level': 4}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_INT', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ATE_FUN', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_REQ', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_CCL', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'AGD_OPE', 'level': 1}]} values discarded.
  • 05.10.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The Protection profiles of the certificate were updated.

    • The new value is {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': [{'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.protection_profile.ProtectionProfile', 'pp_name': 'Protection Profile for the Gateway of a Smart Metering System', 'pp_eal': 'EAL4+', 'pp_link': '', 'pp_ids': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['SMARTMETERGATEWAYPP_V1.3']}}]}.

    The state of the certificate object was updated.

    • The following values were inserted: {'st_convert_garbage': False, 'report_convert_garbage': False}.
  • 04.10.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The Protection profiles of the certificate were updated.

    • The new value is {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': [{'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.protection_profile.ProtectionProfile', 'pp_name': 'Protection Profile for the Gateway of a Smart Metering System', 'pp_eal': '', 'pp_link': None, 'pp_ids': None}]}.
  • 28.09.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The st_references property was updated, with the {'indirectly_referencing': {'__discard__': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['BSI-DSZ-CC-0957-V2']}}} data.
    • The report_references property was updated, with the {'indirectly_referencing': {'__discard__': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['BSI-DSZ-CC-00845-V2-2013', 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0845-V2']}}} data.
  • 24.09.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

    • The following values were inserted: {'report_filename': '0919V2a_pdf.pdf', 'st_filename': '0919V2b_pdf.pdf'}.
    • The report_keywords property was updated, with the {'cc_cert_id': {'__update__': {'DE': {'__update__': {'BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-2019': 6, 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-V2-2021': 28}}}}, 'cc_security_level': {'__update__': {'EAL': {'__update__': {'EAL 4': 8}}}}, 'symmetric_crypto': {'__update__': {'AES_competition': {'__update__': {'AES': {'__update__': {'AES': 4}}}}, 'constructions': {'__update__': {'MAC': {'__update__': {'CMAC': 1}}}}}}, 'hash_function': {'__update__': {'SHA': {'__update__': {'SHA2': {'__delete__': ['SHA256', 'SHA384', 'SHA512', 'SHA-384']}}}}}, 'crypto_scheme': {}, 'cipher_mode': {'__update__': {'GCM': {'__update__': {'GCM': 2}}}, '__delete__': ['CBC', 'CCM']}, 'ecc_curve': {'__update__': {'NIST': {'__delete__': ['secp384r1']}}}, 'technical_report_id': {'__update__': {'BSI': {'__insert__': {'BSI TR-03109': 1}}}}, 'tee_name': {}, 'standard_id': {'__update__': {'ISO': {'__update__': {'ISO/IEC 15408': 4, 'ISO/IEC 18045': 4}}}}, 'certification_process': {'__update__': {'ConfidentialDocument': {'__insert__': {'being maintained, is not given any longer. In particular, prior to the dissemination of confidential documentation and information related to the TOE or resulting from the evaluation and certification': 1, 'list for the TOE CASA-Konfigurationsliste, Version 12, 2021-02-26, EMH metering GmbH & Co. KG (confidential document) [10] CASA (CASA-AGD) Benutzerhandbuch für Letztverbraucher (LV), Version 1.24, 2021-02-24, EMH': 1}, '__delete__': ['identiality being maintained, is not given any longer. In particular, prior to the dissemination of confidential documentation and information related to the TOE or resulting from the evaluation and certification', 'tion list for the TOE CASA-Konfigurationsliste, Version 12, 2021-02-26, EMH metering GmbH & Co. KG (confidential document) [10] CASA (CASA-AGD) Benutzerhandbuch für Letztverbraucher (LV), Version 1.24, 2021-02-24, EMH']}}}} data.
    • The st_keywords property was updated, with the {'cc_cert_id': {'DE': {'BSI-DSZ-CC-0957-V2-2016': 2}}, 'cc_security_level': {'__update__': {'EAL': {'__update__': {'EAL 4': 5}}}}, 'cc_sar': {'__update__': {'ADV': {'__delete__': ['ADV_FSP.4', 'ADV_TDS.3']}, 'AGD': {'__delete__': ['AGD_PRE.1']}, 'ALC': {'__update__': {'ALC_FLR.2': 6}, '__delete__': ['ALC_CMS.4', 'ALC_DVS.1', 'ALC_TAT.1']}, 'ATE': {'__delete__': ['ATE_DPT.1', 'ATE_IND.2']}, 'AVA': {'__update__': {'AVA_VAN.5': 7}}, 'ASE': {'__delete__': ['ASE_ECD.1', 'ASE_OBJ.2', 'ASE_SPD.1']}}}, 'cc_sfr': {'__update__': {'FAU': {'__insert__': {'FAU_ARP.1': 1, 'FAU_SAR.1': 7, 'FAU_STG.4': 3}, '__update__': {'FAU_GEN.2': 8, 'FAU_ARP': 10, 'FAU_SAA.1': 4, 'FAU_GEN': 38, 'FAU_SAA': 11, 'FAU_GEN.1': 22, 'FAU_SAR': 30, 'FAU_STG': 32}}, 'FCO': {'__update__': {'FCO_NRO': 3}}, 'FCS': {'__update__': {'FCS_CKM.4': 32, 'FCS_CKM': 46, 'FCS_COP.1': 11, 'FCS_COP': 62, 'FCS_CKM.1': 17}}, 'FDP': {'__insert__': {'FDP_IFC.2': 4}, '__update__': {'FDP_ACF.1': 10, 'FDP_ACC': 2, 'FDP_IFC': 29, 'FDP_IFF.1': 25, 'FDP_IFF': 25, 'FDP_RIP': 2, 'FDP_SDI': 2}}, 'FIA': {'__update__': {'FIA_ATD': 3, 'FIA_AFL': 3, 'FIA_UAU': 5, 'FIA_UID': 3, 'FIA_USB': 3, 'FIA_ATD.1': 13, 'FIA_UAU.2': 9, 'FIA_UAU.5': 7, 'FIA_UAU.1': 2}}, 'FMT': {'__insert__': {'FMT_MOF': 1}, '__update__': {'FMT_SMR': 3, 'FMT_SMF.1': 19, 'FMT_MSA.3': 12, 'FMT_SMF': 2, 'FMT_MSA': 61, 'FMT_MSA.1': 9}}, 'FPR': {'__update__': {'FPR_CON': 6, 'FPR_CON.1': 10}}, 'FPT': {'__update__': {'FPT_FLS': 3, 'FPT_RPL': 3, 'FPT_STM': 3, 'FPT_TST': 3, 'FPT_PHP': 3}}, 'FTP': {'__insert__': {'FTP_ITC.1': 9}, '__update__': {'FTP_ITC': 33}}}}, 'vendor': {}, 'symmetric_crypto': {'__update__': {'AES_competition': {'__update__': {'AES': {'__update__': {'AES': 9}, '__delete__': ['AES-128']}}}, 'constructions': {'__update__': {'MAC': {'__update__': {'CMAC': 1}}}}}}, 'asymmetric_crypto': {'__delete__': ['FF']}, 'hash_function': {'__update__': {'SHA': {'__update__': {'SHA2': {'__delete__': ['SHA256', 'SHA384', 'SHA512']}}}}}, 'crypto_scheme': {'__update__': {'MAC': {'__update__': {'MAC': 12}}}}, 'crypto_protocol': {'__update__': {'TLS': {'__update__': {'TLS': {'__update__': {'TLS': 41}}}}}}, 'cipher_mode': {'__update__': {'GCM': {'__update__': {'GCM': 2}}}, '__delete__': ['CBC', 'CCM']}, 'tls_cipher_suite': {'__update__': {'TLS': {'__update__': {'TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384': 3}}}}, 'technical_report_id': {'__update__': {'BSI': {'__insert__': {'BSI TR-03109': 1}}}}, 'tee_name': {}} data.

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The st_references property was updated, with the {'directly_referencing': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['BSI-DSZ-CC-0957-V2-2016']}, 'indirectly_referencing': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['BSI-DSZ-CC-0957-V2', 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0957-V2-2016', 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0978-2016']}} data.
    • The extracted_sars property was updated, with the {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': [{'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_DVS', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ATE_IND', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_ECD', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_TAT', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'AGD_PRE', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ATE_DPT', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_TDS', 'level': 3}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_FSP', 'level': 4}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_OBJ', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_SPD', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_CMS', 'level': 4}]} values discarded.
  • 18.07.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The _type was updated.

    • The new value is sec_certs.sample.common_criteria.CommonCriteriaCert.

    The Protection profiles of the certificate were updated.

    • The new value is {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': [{'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.protection_profile.ProtectionProfile', 'pp_name': 'Protection Profile for the Gateway of a Smart Metering System', 'pp_link': '', 'pp_ids': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['SMARTMETERGATEWAYPP_V1.3']}}]}.

    The Maintenance Updates of the certificate were updated.

    • The new value is {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': [{'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.common_criteria.CommonCriteriaCert.MaintenanceReport', 'maintenance_date': '2021-12-21', 'maintenance_title': 'CASA 1.0SW: 30000000__X026b/cHW: 10 301, 10 302, 10 303, 10 304', 'maintenance_report_link': '', 'maintenance_st_link': None}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.common_criteria.CommonCriteriaCert.MaintenanceReport', 'maintenance_date': '2021-09-03', 'maintenance_title': 'CASA 1.0, TOE Software Version: 30100000__X026fTOE, Hardware Version: 10 301 / 10 302 / 10 303 / 10 304', 'maintenance_report_link': '', 'maintenance_st_link': ''}]}.

    The state of the certificate object was updated.

    • The _type property was set to sec_certs.sample.common_criteria.CommonCriteriaCert.InternalState.

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

    • The _type property was set to sec_certs.sample.common_criteria.CommonCriteriaCert.PdfData.

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The _type property was set to sec_certs.sample.common_criteria.CommonCriteriaCert.Heuristics.
    • The st_references property was updated, with the {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.certificate.References'} data.
    • The report_references property was updated, with the {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.certificate.References'} data.
    • The extracted_sars property was set to {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': [{'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_FLR', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_DVS', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'AGD_PRE', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_REQ', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_OBJ', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'AGD_OPE', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_TSS', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_CMC', 'level': 4}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_CCL', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_INT', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'AVA_VAN', 'level': 5}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_DEL', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_TAT', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_LCD', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_ECD', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ATE_FUN', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_TDS', 'level': 3}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ATE_DPT', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_FSP', 'level': 4}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_SPD', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_CMS', 'level': 4}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ATE_COV', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ATE_IND', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_IMP', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_ARC', 'level': 1}]}.
  • 17.07.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

    • The report_metadata property was updated, with the {'pdf_hyperlinks': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['', '', '', '', '', '', '']}} values inserted.
    • The st_metadata property was updated, with the {'pdf_hyperlinks': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['']}} values inserted.
    • The report_keywords property was set to {'cc_cert_id': {'DE': {'BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-2019': 4, 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-V2-2021': 54, 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0957-V2-2016': 2}}, 'cc_protection_profile_id': {'BSI': {'BSI-CC-PP-0073-2014': 3, 'BSI-CC-PP-0077-V2': 1}}, 'cc_security_level': {'EAL': {'EAL 4': 7, 'EAL 5': 3, 'EAL 2': 2, 'EAL 1': 1, 'EAL 2+': 1, 'EAL 5+': 1, 'EAL 6': 1, 'EAL 4 augmented': 3}}, 'cc_sar': {'ALC': {'ALC_FLR.2': 4, 'ALC_FLR': 3}, 'AVA': {'AVA_VAN.5': 5}}, 'cc_sfr': {}, 'cc_claims': {}, 'vendor': {}, 'eval_facility': {'TUV': {'TÃœV Informationstechnik': 3, 'TÃœViT': 1}}, 'symmetric_crypto': {'AES_competition': {'AES': {'AES': 5}}, 'constructions': {'MAC': {'CMAC': 13}}}, 'asymmetric_crypto': {'ECC': {'ECC': {'ECC': 3}}}, 'pq_crypto': {}, 'hash_function': {'SHA': {'SHA2': {'SHA256': 3, 'SHA384': 3, 'SHA512': 1, 'SHA-256': 1, 'SHA-384': 1, 'SHA-512': 1}}}, 'crypto_scheme': {'MAC': {'MAC': 4}}, 'crypto_protocol': {'SSH': {'SSH': 1}, 'TLS': {'TLS': {'TLS': 4}}}, 'randomness': {}, 'cipher_mode': {'CBC': {'CBC': 1}, 'GCM': {'GCM': 6}, 'CCM': {'CCM': 1}}, 'ecc_curve': {'NIST': {'secp256r1': 1, 'secp384r1': 1}}, 'crypto_engine': {}, 'tls_cipher_suite': {}, 'crypto_library': {}, 'vulnerability': {}, 'side_channel_analysis': {}, 'technical_report_id': {'BSI': {'BSI TR-03109-1': 1, 'BSI TR-03109-3': 1, 'BSI 7148': 1}}, 'device_model': {}, 'tee_name': {'IBM': {'SE': 2}}, 'os_name': {}, 'cplc_data': {}, 'ic_data_group': {}, 'standard_id': {'FIPS': {'FIPS 197': 5, 'FIPS 180-4': 2, 'FIPS180-4': 1, 'FIPS 140-2': 1}, 'BSI': {'AIS 34': 2, 'AIS 46': 2, 'AIS 48': 2, 'AIS 32': 1, 'AIS 38': 1}, 'RFC': {'RFC5289': 1, 'RFC 2104': 3, 'RFC 5639': 3, 'RFC 3394': 3, 'RFC 5084': 3, 'RFC 4493': 4, 'RFC 5289': 2}, 'ISO': {'ISO/IEC 15408': 2, 'ISO/IEC 17065': 2, 'ISO/IEC 18045': 2}}, 'javacard_version': {}, 'javacard_api_const': {}, 'javacard_packages': {}, 'certification_process': {'ConfidentialDocument': {'identiality being maintained, is not given any longer. In particular, prior to the dissemination of confidential documentation and information related to the TOE or resulting from the evaluation and certification': 1, 'GmbH & Co. KG [7] Evaluation Technical Report, Version 2, 2021-03-15, TÃœV Informationstechnik GmbH (confidential document) [8] Protection Profile for the Gateway of a Smart Metering System, Version 1.3, 31 March 2014': 1, 'tion list for the TOE CASA-Konfigurationsliste, Version 12, 2021-02-26, EMH metering GmbH & Co. KG (confidential document) [10] CASA (CASA-AGD) Benutzerhandbuch für Letztverbraucher (LV), Version 1.24, 2021-02-24, EMH': 1}}}.
    • The st_keywords property was set to {'cc_cert_id': {}, 'cc_protection_profile_id': {'BSI': {'BSI-CC-PP-0077-2013': 3, 'BSI-CC-PP- 0073': 1, 'BSI-CC-PP-0077-V2': 1}}, 'cc_security_level': {'EAL': {'EAL 4': 4, 'EAL4': 1, 'EAL 4 augmented': 2, 'EAL4 augmented': 1}}, 'cc_sar': {'ADV': {'ADV_ARC.1': 1, 'ADV_FSP.4': 1, 'ADV_IMP.1': 1, 'ADV_TDS.3': 1}, 'AGD': {'AGD_OPE.1': 1, 'AGD_PRE.1': 1}, 'ALC': {'ALC_FLR.2': 5, 'ALC_CMC.4': 1, 'ALC_CMS.4': 1, 'ALC_DEL.1': 1, 'ALC_DVS.1': 1, 'ALC_LCD.1': 1, 'ALC_TAT.1': 1}, 'ATE': {'ATE_COV.2': 1, 'ATE_DPT.1': 1, 'ATE_FUN.1': 1, 'ATE_IND.2': 1}, 'AVA': {'AVA_VAN.5': 6}, 'ASE': {'ASE_CCL.1': 1, 'ASE_ECD.1': 1, 'ASE_INT.1': 1, 'ASE_OBJ.2': 1, 'ASE_REQ.2': 1, 'ASE_SPD.1': 1, 'ASE_TSS.1': 1}}, 'cc_sfr': {'FAU': {'FAU_GEN.2': 9, 'FAU_STG.2': 16, 'FAU_ARP': 1, 'FAU_SAA.1': 2, 'FAU_GEN': 4, 'FAU_SAA': 1, 'FAU_GEN.1': 12, 'FAU_SAR': 3, 'FAU_STG': 4, 'FAU_STG.3': 3, 'FAU_STG.1': 7, 'FAU_GEN.2.1': 1, 'FAU_STG.2.1': 1, 'FAU_STG.2.2': 1, 'FAU_STG.2.3': 1, 'FAU_CON.1.2': 1}, 'FCO': {'FCO_NRO': 2, 'FCO_NRO.2': 10, 'FCO_NRO.2.1': 1, 'FCO_NRO.2.2': 1, 'FCO_NRO.2.3': 1, 'FCO_NRO.1': 1}, 'FCS': {'FCS_CKM.4': 33, 'FCS_CKM': 4, 'FCS_CKM.2': 6, 'FCS_COP.1': 6, 'FCS_COP': 4, 'FCS_CKM.1': 14, 'FCS_CKM.4.1': 1}, 'FDP': {'FDP_ACC.2': 11, 'FDP_ACF.1': 12, 'FDP_RIP.2': 9, 'FDP_SDI.2': 8, 'FDP_ITC.1': 12, 'FDP_ITC.2': 12, 'FDP_ACC': 1, 'FDP_ACC.2.1': 1, 'FDP_ACC.2.2': 1, 'FDP_ACC.1': 9, 'FDP_ACF.1.1': 1, 'FDP_ACF.1.2': 6, 'FDP_ACF.1.3': 1, 'FDP_ACF.1.4': 3, 'FDP_IFC': 2, 'FDP_IFC.1': 12, 'FDP_IFF.1': 4, 'FDP_IFF': 2, 'FDP_IFF.1.3': 1, 'FDP_RIP': 1, 'FDP_RIP.2.1': 1, 'FDP_RIP.1': 1, 'FDP_SDI': 1, 'FDP_SDI.2.1': 1, 'FDP_SDI.2.2': 1, 'FDP_SDI.1': 1}, 'FIA': {'FIA_UAU.6': 11, 'FIA_ATD': 2, 'FIA_AFL': 2, 'FIA_UAU': 2, 'FIA_UID': 2, 'FIA_USB': 2, 'FIA_ATD.1': 12, 'FIA_AFL.1': 8, 'FIA_UAU.2': 10, 'FIA_UAU.5': 8, 'FIA_UID.2': 12, 'FIA_USB.1': 8, 'FIA_UID.1': 8, 'FIA_ATD.1.1': 1, 'FIA_AFL.1.1': 1, 'FIA_AFL.1.2': 1, 'FIA_UAU.1': 3, 'FIA_UAU.2.1': 1, 'FIA_UAU.5.1': 1, 'FIA_UAU.5.2': 1, 'FIA_UAU.6.1': 1, 'FIA_UID.2.1': 1, 'FIA_USB.1.1': 1, 'FIA_USB.1.2': 1, 'FIA_USB.1.3': 1}, 'FMT': {'FMT_SMR': 2, 'FMT_MOF.1': 10, 'FMT_SMF.1': 23, 'FMT_SMR.1': 30, 'FMT_MSA.3': 6, 'FMT_MOF.1.1': 1, 'FMT_SMF': 1, 'FMT_SMF.1.1': 1, 'FMT_SMR.1.1': 1, 'FMT_SMR.1.2': 1, 'FMT_MSA': 3, 'FMT_MSA.1': 6}, 'FPR': {'FPR_CON': 5, 'FPR_CON.1': 9, 'FPR_PSE': 2, 'FPR_CON.1.2': 4, 'FPR_CON.1.1': 3, 'FPR_PSE.1': 9, 'FPR_PSE.1.1': 3, 'FPR_PSE.1.2': 2, 'FPR_PSE.1.3': 2}, 'FPT': {'FPT_FLS': 2, 'FPT_RPL': 2, 'FPT_STM': 2, 'FPT_TST': 2, 'FPT_PHP': 2, 'FPT_FLS.1': 10, 'FPT_RPL.1': 8, 'FPT_STM.1': 19, 'FPT_TST.1': 10, 'FPT_PHP.1': 9, 'FPT_FLS.1.1': 1, 'FPT_RPL.1.1': 1, 'FPT_RPL.1.2': 1, 'FPT_STM.1.1': 1, 'FPT_TST.1.1': 1, 'FPT_TST.1.2': 1, 'FPT_TST.1.3': 1, 'FPT_PHP.1.1': 1, 'FPT_PHP.1.2': 1, 'FPT_SDI.2': 2}, 'FTP': {'FTP_ITC': 2}}, 'cc_claims': {'OE': {'OE.SM': 4}, 'OSP': {'OSP.SM': 5}}, 'vendor': {'STMicroelectronics': {'STM': 23}}, 'eval_facility': {'TUV': {'TÃœV Informationstechnik': 28}}, 'symmetric_crypto': {'AES_competition': {'AES': {'AES': 10, 'AES-128': 1}}, 'constructions': {'MAC': {'CMAC': 18}}}, 'asymmetric_crypto': {'ECC': {'ECDSA': {'ECDSA': 1}, 'ECC': {'ECC': 4}}, 'FF': {'DSA': {'DSA': 1}}}, 'pq_crypto': {}, 'hash_function': {'SHA': {'SHA2': {'SHA256': 8, 'SHA384': 7, 'SHA512': 2, 'SHA-256': 2, 'SHA-512': 2, 'SHA-384': 1}}}, 'crypto_scheme': {'MAC': {'MAC': 19}}, 'crypto_protocol': {'TLS': {'TLS': {'TLS': 67, 'TLS 1.2': 5}}}, 'randomness': {}, 'cipher_mode': {'CBC': {'CBC': 1}, 'GCM': {'GCM': 9}, 'CCM': {'CCM': 1}}, 'ecc_curve': {'NIST': {'P-256': 3, 'P-384': 3, 'ansip384r1': 3, 'NIST P-256': 3, 'NIST P-384': 3, 'secp256r1': 3, 'secp384r1': 3, 'prime256v1': 3}, 'Brainpool': {'brainpoolP256r1': 3, 'brainpoolP384r1': 3, 'brainpoolP512r1': 3}}, 'crypto_engine': {}, 'tls_cipher_suite': {'TLS': {'TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256': 3, 'TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384': 3, 'TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256': 3, 'TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384': 2}}, 'crypto_library': {}, 'vulnerability': {}, 'side_channel_analysis': {'FI': {'physical tampering': 2, 'malfunction': 2}}, 'technical_report_id': {'BSI': {'BSI TR-03109-1': 3}}, 'device_model': {}, 'tee_name': {'IBM': {'SE': 2}}, 'os_name': {}, 'cplc_data': {}, 'ic_data_group': {}, 'standard_id': {'FIPS': {'FIPS 180-4': 4, 'FIPS 197': 6, 'FIPS 140-2': 4}, 'RFC': {'RFC 5289': 5, 'RFC 5246': 4, 'RFC 2104': 4, 'RFC 5639': 7, 'RFC 3394': 4, 'RFC 3565': 3, 'RFC 5084': 6, 'RFC 4493': 6, 'RFC 5905': 4, 'RFC 2616': 3, 'RFC5246': 1}}, 'javacard_version': {}, 'javacard_api_const': {}, 'javacard_packages': {}, 'certification_process': {}}.

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The _type property was set to Heuristics.
  • 14.06.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The state of the certificate object was updated.

    • The following values were inserted: {'report_pdf_hash': 'd203d98795c0c04a5cd0e115300b9ac9efac9ce0e498175c5ff7354895364e9c', 'st_pdf_hash': '0ffdebd50979defc51a22fb4f30e75eea976d657073fc80770afaeeb2212f11f', 'report_txt_hash': '62e5f18c8bd9312a4fd492766525ff91bb030713bcada3cc82d896d8682469c4', 'st_txt_hash': 'c8b60884a8841383c6b53d42a2253b4f7334acb2e95cfd3c69ed2d61e6888e81'}.

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

    • The report_keywords property was updated, with the {'rules_block_cipher_modes': {'__insert__': {'CCM': 1}}} data.
    • The st_keywords property was updated, with the {'rules_block_cipher_modes': {'__insert__': {'CCM': 1}}, 'rules_ecc_curves': {'__insert__': {'NIST P-256': 3, 'NIST P-384': 3}}} data.
  • 13.05.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The following values were inserted: {'extracted_sars': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': [{'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ATE_FUN', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ADV_IMP', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'AVA_VAN', 'level': 5}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ASE_INT', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ATE_IND', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ATE_DPT', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ADV_TDS', 'level': 3}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ASE_SPD', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ALC_DEL', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'AGD_OPE', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ALC_LCD', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ATE_COV', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'AGD_PRE', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ASE_TSS', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ALC_TAT', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ASE_OBJ', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ASE_ECD', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ADV_ARC', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ASE_CCL', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ALC_CMS', 'level': 4}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ASE_REQ', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ALC_CMC', 'level': 4}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ALC_DVS', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ALC_FLR', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ADV_FSP', 'level': 4}]}}.
  • 24.04.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The following values were inserted: {'direct_dependency_cves': None, 'indirect_dependency_cves': None}.
  • 29.03.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The Maintenance Updates of the certificate were updated.

    • The following values were added: {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': [{'_type': 'MaintenanceReport', 'maintenance_date': '2021-12-21', 'maintenance_title': 'CASA 1.0SW: 30000000__X026b/cHW: 10 301, 10 302, 10 303, 10 304', 'maintenance_report_link': '', 'maintenance_st_link': None}]}.
  • 08.03.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The following values were inserted: {'st_references': {'_type': 'References', 'directly_referenced_by': None, 'indirectly_referenced_by': None, 'directly_referencing': None, 'indirectly_referencing': None}, 'report_references': {'_type': 'References', 'directly_referenced_by': None, 'indirectly_referenced_by': None, 'directly_referencing': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-2019', 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0957-V2-2016']}, 'indirectly_referencing': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-2019', 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0845-V2', 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0845-V2-2013', 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0957-2015', 'BSI-DSZ-CC-00845-V2-2013', 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0978-2016', 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0957-V2-2016', 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0666-2012', 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0845-2012']}}}.
    • The following properties were deleted: ['directly_affected_by', 'indirectly_affected_by', 'directly_affecting', 'indirectly_affecting'].
  • 18.02.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

    • The report_frontpage property was updated, with the {'nscib': {}, 'niap': {}, 'canada': {}} values inserted.
    • The st_frontpage property was updated, with the {'nscib': {}, 'niap': {}, 'canada': {}} values inserted.

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The extracted_versions property was set to {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['1.0']}.
  • 01.02.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The Protection profiles of the certificate were updated.

    • The new value is {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': [{'_type': 'ProtectionProfile', 'pp_name': 'Protection Profile for the Gateway of a Smart Metering System', 'pp_link': '', 'pp_ids': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['SMARTMETERGATEWAYPP_V1.3']}}]}.
  • 28.01.2022 The certificate was first processed.
    New certificate

    A new Common Criteria certificate with the product name CASA 1.0 was processed.

Raw data

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    "cert_id": "BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-V2-2021",
    "cert_lab": [
    "cpe_matches": null,
    "direct_transitive_cves": null,
    "extracted_sars": {
      "_type": "Set",
      "elements": [
          "_type": "sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR",
          "family": "ALC_LCD",
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          "level": 1
          "_type": "sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR",
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          "level": 2
          "_type": "sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR",
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          "family": "ASE_INT",
          "level": 1
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          "level": 2
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          "family": "AVA_VAN",
          "level": 5
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          "level": 1
          "_type": "sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR",
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          "level": 2
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          "family": "ALC_CMC",
          "level": 4
          "_type": "sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR",
          "family": "ALC_DEL",
          "level": 1
          "_type": "sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR",
          "family": "AGD_OPE",
          "level": 1
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      "_type": "Set",
      "elements": [
    "indirect_transitive_cves": null,
    "related_cves": null,
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      "directly_referenced_by": {
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      "directly_referencing": {
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        "elements": [
      "indirectly_referenced_by": {
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      "indirectly_referencing": {
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        "elements": [
    "scheme_data": null,
    "st_references": {
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      "directly_referenced_by": null,
      "directly_referencing": {
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        "elements": [
      "indirectly_referenced_by": null,
      "indirectly_referencing": {
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        "elements": [
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        "_type": "",
        "maintenance_date": "2021-09-03",
        "maintenance_report_link": "",
        "maintenance_st_link": "",
        "maintenance_title": "CASA 1.0, TOE Software Version: 30100000__X026fTOE, Hardware Version: 10 301 / 10 302 / 10 303 / 10 304"
  "manufacturer": "EMH metering GmbH \u0026 Co. KG",
  "manufacturer_web": "",
  "name": "CASA 1.0",
  "not_valid_after": "2029-03-30",
  "not_valid_before": "2021-03-30",
  "pdf_data": {
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      "cc_protection_profile_id": {},
      "cc_sar": {
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      "crypto_engine": {},
      "crypto_library": {},
      "crypto_protocol": {},
      "crypto_scheme": {},
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      "hash_function": {},
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      "javacard_packages": {},
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      "os_name": {},
      "pq_crypto": {},
      "randomness": {},
      "side_channel_analysis": {},
      "standard_id": {
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          "ISO/IEC 18045": 2
      "symmetric_crypto": {},
      "technical_report_id": {},
      "tee_name": {},
      "tls_cipher_suite": {},
      "vendor": {},
      "vulnerability": {}
    "cert_metadata": {
      "/Author": "Bundesamt f\u00fcr Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik",
      "/CreationDate": "D:20210408072442+02\u002700\u0027",
      "/Creator": "Writer",
      "/Keywords": "\"Common Criteria, Certification, Zertifizierung, SMGW, Smart Meter Gateway, Smart Grid, EMH metering GmbH \u0026 Co. KG\"",
      "/ModDate": "D:20210408075133+02\u002700\u0027",
      "/Producer": "LibreOffice 6.3",
      "/Subject": "Common Criteria, Zertifizierung",
      "/Title": "Certification Report BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-V2-2021",
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      "DE": {
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        "cc_version": "PP conformant Common Criteria Part 2 extended",
        "cert_id": "BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-V2-2021",
        "cert_item": "CASA 1.0 Software Version: 30100000__X026e Hardware Version: 10 301 / 10 302 / 10 303 / 10 304",
        "cert_lab": "BSI",
        "developer": "EMH metering GmbH \u0026 Co. KG",
        "match_rules": [
          "(BSI-DSZ-CC-.+?) (?:for|For) (.+?) from (.*)"
        "ref_protection_profiles": "Protection Profile for the Gateway of a Smart Metering System, Version 1.3, 31 March 2014, BSI- CC-PP-0073-2014"
    "report_keywords": {
      "asymmetric_crypto": {
        "ECC": {
          "ECC": {
            "ECC": 3
      "cc_cert_id": {
        "DE": {
          "BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-2019": 3,
          "BSI-DSZ-CC-0919-V2-2021": 14,
          "BSI-DSZ-CC-0957-V2-2016": 1
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      "cc_protection_profile_id": {
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          "BSI-CC-PP-0077-V2": 1
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