Sottosistema Lettura Targhe (SLT) v1.0

CSV information ?

Status archived
Valid from 24.11.2015
Valid until 24.11.2020
Scheme 🇮🇹 IT
Manufacturer Kapsch TrafficCom S.r.l.
Category Multi-Function Devices
Security level EAL1

Heuristics summary ?

Certificate ID: OCSI/CERT/TEC/01/2014/RC

Certificate ?

Certification report ?

Extracted keywords

Security level
EAL4, EAL 2, EAL 4, EAL1
Security Assurance Requirements (SAR)
Evaluation facilities
LVS Technis Blu

ISO/IEC 15408, CCMB-2012-09-001, CCMB-2012-09-002, CCMB-2012-09-003, CCMB-2012-09-004

File metadata

Title: Rapporto di Certificazione del prodotto “SLT v1.0”
Author: OCSI
Creation date: D:20151203111247+01'00'
Modification date: D:20151203111247+01'00'
Pages: 23
Creator: Microsoft® Office Word 2007
Producer: Microsoft® Office Word 2007


No references.

Security target ?

Extracted keywords

Symmetric Algorithms
Asymmetric Algorithms
Hash functions


Security level
Security Assurance Requirements (SAR)
Security Functional Requirements (SFR)
FAU_GEN.1, FAU_GEN.1.1, FAU_GEN.1.2, FDP_ACC.1, FDP_ACF.1, FDP_ETC.1, FDP_RIP.1, FDP_ACC.1.1, FDP_ACF.1.1, FDP_ACF.1.3, FDP_ACF.1.4, FDP_ETC.1.1, FDP_ETC.1.2, FDP_IFC.1, FDP_RIP.1.1, FIA_AFL.1, FIA_ATD.1, FIA_UAU.1, FIA_SOS.1, FIA_UID.2, FIA_AFL.1.1, FIA_AFL.1.2, FIA_ATD.1.1, FIA_UAU.1.1, FIA_UAU.1.2, FIA_UID.1, FIA_UID.2.1, FIA_SOS.1.1, FIA_UAU.2, FMT_MSA.1, FMT_MSA.3, FMT_SMF.1, FMT_MTD.1, FMT_SMR.1, FMT_MSA.1.1, FMT_MSA.3.1, FMT_MSA.3.2, FMT_MTD.1.1, FMT_SMF.1.1, FMT_SMR.1.1, FMT_SMR.1.2, FPT_STM.1, FPT_FLS.1, FRU_FLT.1, FRU_FLT.1.1

File metadata

Title: Traguardo di Sicurezza "SLT v1.0"
Author: Kapsch S.r.l.
Creation date: D:20151029102035+01'00'
Modification date: D:20151203145800+01'00'
Pages: 41
Creator: PDF Architect
Producer: PDF Architect


No references.

Heuristics ?

Certificate ID: OCSI/CERT/TEC/01/2014/RC

Extracted SARs


References ?

No references are available for this certificate.

Updates ?

  • 15.02.2024 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The state of the certificate object was updated.

    • The following values were inserted: {'report': {'_type': '', 'download_ok': True, 'convert_garbage': False, 'convert_ok': True, 'extract_ok': True, 'pdf_hash': '99f1aa5067aea519a5c5054ef7d4e054011332fd0046ddc4fce08f20b1cb9b3a', 'txt_hash': '1ee9399297a6427f2ed45f2db49e99468d9f844dc113638fccb36df156f4aaee'}, 'st': {'_type': '', 'download_ok': True, 'convert_garbage': False, 'convert_ok': True, 'extract_ok': True, 'pdf_hash': 'cadd342c5643e57435dd75547b52e861a838b688dab31f9e8bcb48de6349525d', 'txt_hash': '7e615e8c7af374cdf102992649c6adbca4c7bfe8dedbb6c38dee54802f47022d'}, 'cert': {'_type': '', 'download_ok': False, 'convert_garbage': False, 'convert_ok': False, 'extract_ok': False, 'pdf_hash': None, 'txt_hash': None}}.
    • The following properties were deleted: ['st_download_ok', 'report_download_ok', 'st_convert_garbage', 'report_convert_garbage', 'st_convert_ok', 'report_convert_ok', 'st_extract_ok', 'report_extract_ok', 'st_pdf_hash', 'report_pdf_hash', 'st_txt_hash', 'report_txt_hash'].

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

    • The following values were inserted: {'cert_metadata': None, 'cert_frontpage': None, 'cert_keywords': None, 'cert_filename': None}.
    • The report_frontpage property was set to {}.
    • The st_frontpage property was set to None.
    • The report_keywords property was updated, with the {'cc_cert_id': {'__update__': {'IT': {'__update__': {'OCSI/CERT/TEC/01/2014/RC': 23}}}}} data.
  • 13.02.2024 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

    • The report_keywords property was updated, with the {'cc_cert_id': {'__update__': {'IT': {'__update__': {'OCSI/CERT/TEC/01/2014/RC': 46}}}}} data.
  • 07.02.2024 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

    • The report_keywords property was updated, with the {'cc_cert_id': {'__update__': {'IT': {'__update__': {'OCSI/CERT/TEC/01/2014/RC': 23}}}}} data.
  • 04.01.2024 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The following values were inserted: {'annotated_references': None}.
  • 27.07.2023 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The state of the certificate object was updated.

    • The st_download_ok property was set to True.
    • The st_convert_ok property was set to True.
    • The st_extract_ok property was set to True.
    • The st_pdf_hash property was set to cadd342c5643e57435dd75547b52e861a838b688dab31f9e8bcb48de6349525d.
    • The st_txt_hash property was set to 7e615e8c7af374cdf102992649c6adbca4c7bfe8dedbb6c38dee54802f47022d.

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

    • The st_metadata property was set to {'pdf_file_size_bytes': 1576686, 'pdf_is_encrypted': False, 'pdf_number_of_pages': 41, '/Author': 'Kapsch S.r.l.', '/CreationDate': "D:20151029102035+01'00'", '/Creator': 'PDF Architect', '/ModDate': "D:20151203145800+01'00'", '/Producer': 'PDF Architect', '/Title': 'Traguardo di Sicurezza "SLT v1.0"', 'pdf_hyperlinks': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': []}}.
    • The st_frontpage property was set to {'anssi': {}, 'bsi': {}, 'nscib': {}, 'niap': {}, 'canada': {}}.
    • The st_keywords property was set to {'cc_cert_id': {}, 'cc_protection_profile_id': {}, 'cc_security_level': {'EAL': {'EAL1': 6}}, 'cc_sar': {'ADV': {'ADV_FSP': 1, 'ADV_FSP.1': 14}, 'AGD': {'AGD_OPE.1': 10, 'AGD_PRE.1': 10}, 'ALC': {'ALC_CMC': 1, 'ALC_CMS': 1, 'ALC_CMC.1': 3, 'ALC_CMS.1': 5}, 'ATE': {'ATE_IND': 1, 'ATE_IND.1': 3}, 'AVA': {'AVA_VAN': 1, 'AVA_VAN.1': 3}, 'ASE': {'ASE_INT': 2, 'ASE_CCL': 2, 'ASE_OBJ': 2, 'ASE_ECD': 2, 'ASE_REQ': 2, 'ASE_TSS': 2, 'ASE_CCL.1': 4, 'ASE_ECD.1': 6, 'ASE_INT.1': 5, 'ASE_OBJ.1': 3, 'ASE_REQ.1': 6, 'ASE_TSS.1': 3}}, 'cc_sfr': {'FAU': {'FAU_GEN.1': 7, 'FAU_GEN.1.1': 1, 'FAU_GEN.1.2': 1}, 'FDP': {'FDP_ACC.1': 12, 'FDP_ACF.1': 8, 'FDP_ETC.1': 5, 'FDP_RIP.1': 6, 'FDP_ACC.1.1': 1, 'FDP_ACF.1.1': 1, 'FDP_ACF.1.3': 1, 'FDP_ACF.1.4': 1, 'FDP_ETC.1.1': 1, 'FDP_ETC.1.2': 1, 'FDP_IFC.1': 4, 'FDP_RIP.1.1': 1}, 'FIA': {'FIA_AFL.1': 5, 'FIA_ATD.1': 4, 'FIA_UAU.1': 6, 'FIA_SOS.1': 6, 'FIA_UID.2': 6, 'FIA_AFL.1.1': 1, 'FIA_AFL.1.2': 1, 'FIA_ATD.1.1': 1, 'FIA_UAU.1.1': 1, 'FIA_UAU.1.2': 1, 'FIA_UID.1': 4, 'FIA_UID.2.1': 1, 'FIA_SOS.1.1': 1, 'FIA_UAU.2': 1}, 'FMT': {'FMT_MSA.1': 8, 'FMT_MSA.3': 8, 'FMT_SMF.1': 12, 'FMT_MTD.1': 5, 'FMT_SMR.1': 14, 'FMT_MSA.1.1': 1, 'FMT_MSA.3.1': 1, 'FMT_MSA.3.2': 1, 'FMT_MTD.1.1': 1, 'FMT_SMF.1.1': 1, 'FMT_SMR.1.1': 1, 'FMT_SMR.1.2': 1}, 'FPT': {'FPT_STM.1': 2, 'FPT_FLS.1': 2}, 'FRU': {'FRU_FLT.1': 5, 'FRU_FLT.1.1': 1}}, 'cc_claims': {}, 'vendor': {'Cisco': {'Cisco': 1}}, 'eval_facility': {}, 'symmetric_crypto': {'AES_competition': {'AES': {'AES128': 1, 'AES': 1}}}, 'asymmetric_crypto': {'FF': {'DSA': {'DSA': 1}}}, 'pq_crypto': {}, 'hash_function': {'SHA': {'SHA1': {'SHA1': 1}}}, 'crypto_scheme': {}, 'crypto_protocol': {'VPN': {'VPN': 1}}, 'randomness': {}, 'cipher_mode': {}, 'ecc_curve': {}, 'crypto_engine': {}, 'tls_cipher_suite': {}, 'crypto_library': {}, 'vulnerability': {}, 'side_channel_analysis': {}, 'technical_report_id': {}, 'device_model': {}, 'tee_name': {}, 'os_name': {}, 'cplc_data': {}, 'ic_data_group': {}, 'standard_id': {}, 'javacard_version': {}, 'javacard_api_const': {}, 'javacard_packages': {}, 'certification_process': {}}.
    • The st_filename property was set to st_kapsch_slt_v2.3.pdf.
  • 17.07.2023 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The state of the certificate object was updated.

    • The st_download_ok property was set to False.
    • The st_convert_ok property was set to False.
    • The st_extract_ok property was set to False.
    • The st_pdf_hash property was set to None.
    • The st_txt_hash property was set to None.

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

    • The st_metadata property was set to None.
    • The st_frontpage property was set to None.
    • The st_keywords property was set to None.
    • The st_filename property was set to None.
  • 26.04.2023 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The following values were inserted: {'scheme_data': None}.
  • 09.04.2023 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The Status was updated.

    • The new value is archived.

    The Valid until date was updated.

    • The new value is 2020-11-24.
  • 11.02.2023 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The _type was updated.

    • The new value is

    The state of the certificate object was updated.

    • The _type property was set to
    • The following properties were deleted: ['errors'].

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

    • The _type property was set to

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The following values were inserted: {'direct_transitive_cves': None, 'indirect_transitive_cves': None}.
    • The _type property was set to
    • The following properties were deleted: ['direct_dependency_cves', 'indirect_dependency_cves'].
  • 25.12.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The state of the certificate object was updated.

    • The errors property was set to [].
  • 24.12.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The state of the certificate object was updated.

    • The st_download_ok property was set to True.
    • The st_convert_ok property was set to True.
    • The st_extract_ok property was set to True.
    • The errors property was set to ['failed to download report from, code: nok'].
    • The st_pdf_hash property was set to cadd342c5643e57435dd75547b52e861a838b688dab31f9e8bcb48de6349525d.
    • The st_txt_hash property was set to 7e615e8c7af374cdf102992649c6adbca4c7bfe8dedbb6c38dee54802f47022d.

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

    • The st_metadata property was set to {'pdf_file_size_bytes': 1576686, 'pdf_is_encrypted': False, 'pdf_number_of_pages': 41, '/Author': 'Kapsch S.r.l.', '/CreationDate': "D:20151029102035+01'00'", '/Creator': 'PDF Architect', '/ModDate': "D:20151203145800+01'00'", '/Producer': 'PDF Architect', '/Title': 'Traguardo di Sicurezza "SLT v1.0"', 'pdf_hyperlinks': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': []}}.
    • The st_frontpage property was set to {'anssi': {}, 'bsi': {}, 'nscib': {}, 'niap': {}, 'canada': {}}.
    • The st_keywords property was set to {'cc_cert_id': {}, 'cc_protection_profile_id': {}, 'cc_security_level': {'EAL': {'EAL1': 6}}, 'cc_sar': {'ADV': {'ADV_FSP': 1, 'ADV_FSP.1': 14}, 'AGD': {'AGD_OPE.1': 10, 'AGD_PRE.1': 10}, 'ALC': {'ALC_CMC': 1, 'ALC_CMS': 1, 'ALC_CMC.1': 3, 'ALC_CMS.1': 5}, 'ATE': {'ATE_IND': 1, 'ATE_IND.1': 3}, 'AVA': {'AVA_VAN': 1, 'AVA_VAN.1': 3}, 'ASE': {'ASE_INT': 2, 'ASE_CCL': 2, 'ASE_OBJ': 2, 'ASE_ECD': 2, 'ASE_REQ': 2, 'ASE_TSS': 2, 'ASE_CCL.1': 4, 'ASE_ECD.1': 6, 'ASE_INT.1': 5, 'ASE_OBJ.1': 3, 'ASE_REQ.1': 6, 'ASE_TSS.1': 3}}, 'cc_sfr': {'FAU': {'FAU_GEN.1': 7, 'FAU_GEN.1.1': 1, 'FAU_GEN.1.2': 1}, 'FDP': {'FDP_ACC.1': 12, 'FDP_ACF.1': 8, 'FDP_ETC.1': 5, 'FDP_RIP.1': 6, 'FDP_ACC.1.1': 1, 'FDP_ACF.1.1': 1, 'FDP_ACF.1.3': 1, 'FDP_ACF.1.4': 1, 'FDP_ETC.1.1': 1, 'FDP_ETC.1.2': 1, 'FDP_IFC.1': 4, 'FDP_RIP.1.1': 1}, 'FIA': {'FIA_AFL.1': 5, 'FIA_ATD.1': 4, 'FIA_UAU.1': 6, 'FIA_SOS.1': 6, 'FIA_UID.2': 6, 'FIA_AFL.1.1': 1, 'FIA_AFL.1.2': 1, 'FIA_ATD.1.1': 1, 'FIA_UAU.1.1': 1, 'FIA_UAU.1.2': 1, 'FIA_UID.1': 4, 'FIA_UID.2.1': 1, 'FIA_SOS.1.1': 1, 'FIA_UAU.2': 1}, 'FMT': {'FMT_MSA.1': 8, 'FMT_MSA.3': 8, 'FMT_SMF.1': 12, 'FMT_MTD.1': 5, 'FMT_SMR.1': 14, 'FMT_MSA.1.1': 1, 'FMT_MSA.3.1': 1, 'FMT_MSA.3.2': 1, 'FMT_MTD.1.1': 1, 'FMT_SMF.1.1': 1, 'FMT_SMR.1.1': 1, 'FMT_SMR.1.2': 1}, 'FPT': {'FPT_STM.1': 2, 'FPT_FLS.1': 2}, 'FRU': {'FRU_FLT.1': 5, 'FRU_FLT.1.1': 1}}, 'cc_claims': {}, 'vendor': {'Cisco': {'Cisco': 1}}, 'eval_facility': {}, 'symmetric_crypto': {'AES_competition': {'AES': {'AES128': 1, 'AES': 1}}}, 'asymmetric_crypto': {'FF': {'DSA': {'DSA': 1}}}, 'pq_crypto': {}, 'hash_function': {'SHA': {'SHA1': {'SHA1': 1}}}, 'crypto_scheme': {}, 'crypto_protocol': {'VPN': {'VPN': 1}}, 'randomness': {}, 'cipher_mode': {}, 'ecc_curve': {}, 'crypto_engine': {}, 'tls_cipher_suite': {}, 'crypto_library': {}, 'vulnerability': {}, 'side_channel_analysis': {}, 'technical_report_id': {}, 'device_model': {}, 'tee_name': {}, 'os_name': {}, 'cplc_data': {}, 'ic_data_group': {}, 'standard_id': {}, 'javacard_version': {}, 'javacard_api_const': {}, 'javacard_packages': {}, 'certification_process': {}}.
    • The st_filename property was set to st_kapsch_slt_v2.3.pdf.
  • 24.12.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The manufacturer_web was updated.

    • The new value is

    The state of the certificate object was updated.

    • The st_download_ok property was set to False.
    • The st_convert_ok property was set to False.
    • The st_extract_ok property was set to False.
    • The errors property was set to ['failed to download ST from, code: 408'].
    • The st_pdf_hash property was set to None.
    • The st_txt_hash property was set to None.

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

    • The st_metadata property was set to None.
    • The st_frontpage property was set to None.
    • The st_keywords property was set to None.
    • The st_filename property was set to None.
  • 23.12.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The manufacturer_web was updated.

    • The new value is None.
  • 23.12.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The state of the certificate object was updated.

    • The errors property was set to [].
  • 22.12.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The state of the certificate object was updated.

    • The errors property was set to ['failed to download report from, code: nok'].
  • 05.10.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The state of the certificate object was updated.

    • The following values were inserted: {'st_convert_garbage': False, 'report_convert_garbage': False}.
  • 26.09.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

    • The st_keywords property was updated, with the {'vendor': {'Cisco': {'Cisco': 1}}, 'crypto_protocol': {'VPN': {'VPN': 1}}} data.
  • 24.09.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

    • The following values were inserted: {'report_filename': 'rc_kapsch_slt_v1.0.pdf', 'st_filename': 'st_kapsch_slt_v2.3.pdf'}.
    • The report_keywords property was updated, with the {'cc_security_level': {'__update__': {'EAL': {'__update__': {'EAL4': 3, 'EAL1': 9}}}}, 'tee_name': {}} data.
    • The st_keywords property was updated, with the {'cc_security_level': {'__update__': {'EAL': {'__update__': {'EAL1': 6}}}}, 'cc_sar': {'__update__': {'ADV': {'__insert__': {'ADV_FSP': 1}, '__update__': {'ADV_FSP.1': 14}}, 'AGD': {'__update__': {'AGD_OPE.1': 10, 'AGD_PRE.1': 10}}, 'ALC': {'__insert__': {'ALC_CMC': 1, 'ALC_CMS': 1}, '__update__': {'ALC_CMC.1': 3}}, 'ATE': {'__insert__': {'ATE_IND': 1}, '__update__': {'ATE_IND.1': 3}}, 'AVA': {'__insert__': {'AVA_VAN': 1}, '__update__': {'AVA_VAN.1': 3}}, 'ASE': {'__update__': {'ASE_CCL.1': 4, 'ASE_ECD.1': 6, 'ASE_INT.1': 5, 'ASE_OBJ.1': 3, 'ASE_REQ.1': 6, 'ASE_TSS.1': 3}}}}, 'cc_sfr': {'__update__': {'FAU': {'__update__': {'FAU_GEN.1': 7}}, 'FDP': {'__update__': {'FDP_ACC.1': 12, 'FDP_ACF.1': 8, 'FDP_RIP.1': 6}, '__delete__': ['FDP_ACF.1.2']}, 'FIA': {'__update__': {'FIA_ATD.1': 4, 'FIA_UAU.1': 6, 'FIA_SOS.1': 6, 'FIA_UID.2': 6, 'FIA_UID.1': 4}}, 'FMT': {'__update__': {'FMT_MSA.1': 8, 'FMT_MTD.1': 5}}}}, 'cc_claims': {}, 'vendor': {}, 'tee_name': {}} data.
  • 18.07.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The _type was updated.

    • The new value is sec_certs.sample.common_criteria.CommonCriteriaCert.

    The state of the certificate object was updated.

    • The _type property was set to sec_certs.sample.common_criteria.CommonCriteriaCert.InternalState.

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

    • The _type property was set to sec_certs.sample.common_criteria.CommonCriteriaCert.PdfData.

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The _type property was set to sec_certs.sample.common_criteria.CommonCriteriaCert.Heuristics.
    • The st_references property was updated, with the {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.certificate.References'} data.
    • The report_references property was updated, with the {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.certificate.References'} data.
    • The extracted_sars property was set to {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': [{'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_TSS', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_ECD', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_REQ', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'AGD_PRE', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_OBJ', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_CMS', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ATE_IND', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_INT', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'AVA_VAN', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_CCL', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_FSP', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'AGD_OPE', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_CMC', 'level': 1}]}.
  • 17.07.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

    • The report_metadata property was updated, with the {'pdf_hyperlinks': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': []}} values inserted.
    • The st_metadata property was updated, with the {'pdf_hyperlinks': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': []}} values inserted.
    • The report_keywords property was set to {'cc_cert_id': {'IT': {'OCSI/CERT/TEC/01/2014/RC': 46}}, 'cc_protection_profile_id': {}, 'cc_security_level': {'EAL': {'EAL4': 2, 'EAL 2': 1, 'EAL 4': 1, 'EAL1': 7}}, 'cc_sar': {'ADV': {'ADV_FSP.1': 1}, 'AGD': {'AGD_OPE.1': 1, 'AGD_PRE.1': 1}, 'ALC': {'ALC_FLR': 2, 'ALC_CMC.1': 1, 'ALC_CMS.1': 1}, 'ATE': {'ATE_IND.1': 1}, 'AVA': {'AVA_VAN.1': 1}, 'ASE': {'ASE_CCL.1': 1, 'ASE_ECD.1': 1, 'ASE_INT.1': 1, 'ASE_OBJ.1': 1, 'ASE_REQ.1': 1, 'ASE_TSS.1': 1}}, 'cc_sfr': {}, 'cc_claims': {}, 'vendor': {}, 'eval_facility': {'LVSTechnisBlu': {'LVS Technis Blu': 1}}, 'symmetric_crypto': {}, 'asymmetric_crypto': {}, 'pq_crypto': {}, 'hash_function': {}, 'crypto_scheme': {}, 'crypto_protocol': {}, 'randomness': {}, 'cipher_mode': {}, 'ecc_curve': {}, 'crypto_engine': {}, 'tls_cipher_suite': {}, 'crypto_library': {}, 'vulnerability': {}, 'side_channel_analysis': {}, 'technical_report_id': {}, 'device_model': {}, 'tee_name': {'IBM': {'SE': 2}}, 'os_name': {}, 'cplc_data': {}, 'ic_data_group': {}, 'standard_id': {'ISO': {'ISO/IEC 15408': 2}, 'CC': {'CCMB-2012-09-001': 1, 'CCMB-2012-09-002': 1, 'CCMB-2012-09-003': 1, 'CCMB-2012-09-004': 1}}, 'javacard_version': {}, 'javacard_api_const': {}, 'javacard_packages': {}, 'certification_process': {}}.
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    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The _type property was set to Heuristics.
  • 14.06.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The state of the certificate object was updated.

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    The PDF extraction data was updated.

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    • The st_keywords property was updated, with the {'rules_symmetric_crypto': {'AES128': 1, 'AES': 1}, 'rules_asymmetric_crypto': {'DSA': 1}, 'rules_pq_crypto': {}, 'rules_hashes': {'SHA1': 1}, 'rules_crypto_schemes': {}, 'rules_randomness': {}, 'rules_tee': {'SE': 2}, 'rules_side_channels': {}} values inserted.
  • 13.05.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The following values were inserted: {'extracted_sars': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': [{'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ASE_OBJ', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'AGD_PRE', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'AVA_VAN', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ASE_TSS', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ADV_FSP', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ASE_CCL', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ALC_CMC', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'AGD_OPE', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ATE_IND', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ALC_CMS', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ASE_INT', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ASE_ECD', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'SAR', 'family': 'ASE_REQ', 'level': 1}]}}.
  • 24.04.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The following values were inserted: {'direct_dependency_cves': None, 'indirect_dependency_cves': None}.
  • 08.03.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

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    • The following properties were deleted: ['directly_affected_by', 'indirectly_affected_by', 'directly_affecting', 'indirectly_affecting'].
  • 18.02.2022 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

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  • 28.01.2022 The certificate was first processed.
    New certificate

    A new Common Criteria certificate with the product name Sottosistema Lettura Targhe (SLT) v1.0 was processed.

Raw data

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