
Certificate #4466

Webpage information ?

Status active
Validation dates 07.04.2023
Sunset date 21-09-2026
Standard FIPS 140-2
Security level 1
Type Firmware-Hybrid
Embodiment Single Chip
Caveat When operated in FIPS mode.
  • Mitigation of Other Attacks: N/A
Description The AxioCrypto-M235x cryptographic module is designed to provide foundational security services for the platform, including secure boot, secure lifecycle state, platform identity and key management. It offers high-throughput cryptography operations, suitable for diverse set of use cases, such as TLS link protection, key protection, sensor data encryption, device identification and more.
Version (Hardware) 1.0
Version (Firmware) 2.1.0
Tested configurations
  • Embedded proprietary OS running on Nuvoton M2351 SoC with Arm Cortex-M23
  • Embedded proprietary OS running on Nuvoton M2354 SoC with Arm Cortex-M23
Vendor Security Platform Inc.

This certificate's webpage directly references 0 certificates, transitively this expands into 0 certificates.

Document information ?

Security policy

Symmetric Algorithms
Asymmetric Algorithms
ECDH, ECDSA, ECC, Diffie-Hellman
Hash functions
Key Exchange, Key Agreement
Elliptic Curves
P-256, P-192, P-224, P-384, P-521, NIST P-192, NIST B-163, B-233, B-283, B-409, B-571, NIST K-163, K-233, K-283, K-409, K-571
Block cipher modes

Trusted Execution Environments
TrustZone, SSC

Security level
level 1, Level 1, Level 8
Side-channel analysis

FIPS140-2, FIPS186-4, FIPS PUB 140-2, SP 800-90A, X.509

File metadata

Title: AxioCrypto-M235x v2.1.0 Non-propriety Security Policy
Author: Security Platform Inc.
Creation date: D:20230330152302+08'00'
Modification date: D:20230330152302+08'00'
Pages: 53
Creator: Microsoft® Word 2016
Producer: Microsoft® Word 2016


Heuristics ?

No heuristics are available for this certificate.

References ?

No references are available for this certificate.

Updates ?

  • 18.05.2023 The certificate was first processed.
    New certificate

    A new FIPS 140 certificate with the product name was processed.

Raw data

  "_type": "sec_certs.sample.fips.FIPSCertificate",
  "cert_id": 4466,
  "dgst": "d9f0773a5c224b31",
  "heuristics": {
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    "algorithms": {
      "_type": "Set",
      "elements": [
    "cpe_matches": null,
    "direct_transitive_cves": null,
    "extracted_versions": {
      "_type": "Set",
      "elements": [
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      "directly_referencing": null,
      "indirectly_referenced_by": null,
      "indirectly_referencing": null
    "module_prunned_references": {
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      "elements": []
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    "verified_cpe_matches": null
  "pdf_data": {
    "_type": "sec_certs.sample.fips.FIPSCertificate.PdfData",
    "keywords": {
      "asymmetric_crypto": {
        "ECC": {
          "ECC": {
            "ECC": 4
          "ECDH": {
            "ECDH": 10
          "ECDSA": {
            "ECDSA": 37
        "FF": {
          "DH": {
            "Diffie-Hellman": 4
      "certification_process": {},
      "cipher_mode": {
        "CBC": {
          "CBC": 7
        "CFB": {
          "CFB": 1
        "CTR": {
          "CTR": 6
        "ECB": {
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        "GCM": {
          "GCM": 4
        "OFB": {
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      "cplc_data": {},
      "crypto_engine": {},
      "crypto_library": {},
      "crypto_protocol": {
        "TLS": {
          "TLS": {
            "TLS": 1
      "crypto_scheme": {
        "KA": {
          "Key Agreement": 4
        "KEX": {
          "Key Exchange": 1
      "device_model": {},
      "ecc_curve": {
        "NIST": {
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          "B-283": 1,
          "B-409": 1,
          "B-571": 1,
          "K-233": 1,
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          "K-409": 1,
          "K-571": 1,
          "NIST B-163": 1,
          "NIST K-163": 1,
          "NIST P-192": 1,
          "P-192": 1,
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          "P-384": 2,
          "P-521": 2
      "eval_facility": {},
      "fips_cert_id": {
        "Cert": {
          "#2": 1,
          "#771": 1
      "fips_certlike": {
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          "AES-128,192": 1,
          "Cert. # AES": 1,
          "SHA-1": 1,
          "SHA2- 256": 3,
          "SHA2-256": 17
      "fips_security_level": {
        "Level": {
          "Level 1": 4,
          "Level 8": 1,
          "level 1": 1
      "hash_function": {
        "SHA": {
          "SHA1": {
            "SHA-1": 1
      "ic_data_group": {},
      "javacard_api_const": {},
      "javacard_packages": {},
      "javacard_version": {},
      "os_name": {},
      "pq_crypto": {},
      "randomness": {
        "PRNG": {
          "DRBG": 45
        "RNG": {
          "RNG": 5
      "side_channel_analysis": {
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          "DPA": 1
      "standard_id": {
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          "FIPS PUB 140-2": 1,
          "FIPS140-2": 13,
          "FIPS186-4": 2
        "NIST": {
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        "X509": {
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      "symmetric_crypto": {
        "AES_competition": {
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            "AES": 17
        "DES": {
          "DES": {
            "DES": 1
        "constructions": {
          "MAC": {
            "HMAC": 9
        "miscellaneous": {
          "ARIA": {
            "ARIA": 5
          "SEED": {
            "SEED": 1
      "tee_name": {
        "ARM": {
          "TrustZone": 3
        "IBM": {
          "SSC": 1
      "tls_cipher_suite": {},
      "vendor": {},
      "vulnerability": {}
    "policy_metadata": {
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      "/CreationDate": "D:20230330152302+08\u002700\u0027",
      "/Creator": "Microsoft\u00ae Word 2016",
      "/ModDate": "D:20230330152302+08\u002700\u0027",
      "/Producer": "Microsoft\u00ae Word 2016",
      "/Title": "AxioCrypto-M235x v2.1.0 Non-propriety Security Policy",
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  "web_data": {
    "_type": "sec_certs.sample.fips.FIPSCertificate.WebData",
    "caveat": "When operated in FIPS mode.",
    "certificate_pdf_url": " 2023_010523_0646.pdf",
    "date_sunset": "2026-09-21",
    "description": "The AxioCrypto-M235x cryptographic module is designed to provide foundational security services for the platform, including secure boot, secure lifecycle state, platform identity and key management. It offers high-throughput cryptography operations, suitable for diverse set of use cases, such as TLS link protection, key protection, sensor data encryption, device identification and more.",
    "embodiment": "Single Chip",
    "exceptions": [
      "Mitigation of Other Attacks: N/A"
    "fw_versions": "2.1.0",
    "historical_reason": null,
    "hw_versions": "1.0",
    "level": 1,
    "mentioned_certs": {},
    "module_name": "AxioCrypto-M235x",
    "module_type": "Firmware-Hybrid",
    "revoked_link": null,
    "revoked_reason": null,
    "standard": "FIPS 140-2",
    "status": "active",
    "sw_versions": null,
    "tested_conf": [
      "Embedded proprietary OS running on Nuvoton M2351 SoC with Arm Cortex-M23",
      "Embedded proprietary OS running on Nuvoton M2354 SoC with Arm Cortex-M23"
    "validation_history": [
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        "date": "2023-04-07",
        "lab": "ASIA PACIFIC IT LABORATORY, T\u00dcV NORD",
        "validation_type": "Initial"
    "vendor": "Security Platform Inc.",
    "vendor_url": ""